Health Tips

D.C. Ranch Family Medicine Health Tip: Safe Sex

D.C. Ranch Family Medicine Health Tip: There has been a tremendous spike in STDs that we haven’t seen in years. Make sure to always practice safe sex and don’t rely on a partner, BYOC (bring your own condom). And don’t forget to check expiration dates before use.

Importance of Annual Checkup with Your Physician

You have been pretty healthy for a while.  You work out on a consistent basis.  You eat a healthy, well-rounded diet.  So, what’s the big deal if you skip your annual exam, right?  Wrong.  All adults, regardless of health status should visit the doctor at least once per year for an annual health checkup.  But,…

Benjamin Franklin Quote

“Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.” -Benjamin Franklin

Did You Know

Did you know that thirty minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity on most days and a healthy diet can drastically reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

Foods That Help Prevent & Treat the Common Cold

It starts with a sniffle and perhaps a cough and the next thing you know, you have a cold. Try as we might, it is difficult to avoid contracting the common cold because we encounter it in our workplaces and schools on a daily basis….

D.C. Ranch Family Medicine Health Tip

D.C. Ranch Family Medicine Health Tip: Strep throat has been going around lately. If you have symptoms such as a sore throat, pain when swallowing, fever or small kids can even be nausea…

Did You Know

Did you know asthma is often under-diagnosed and under-treated, creating a substantial burden to individuals and families and possibly restricting individuals’ activities for a lifetime.

Martin Luther King Jr. Quote

You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.” -Martin Luther King Jr.

D.C. Ranch Family Medicine Health Tip

Upper Respiratory Infections are prevalent right now. Stay rested, cover your mouth and wash your hands frequently to avoid catching it. If someone is coughing in the room do your best to leave the room or at least make sure your mouth and nose are covered.

Flu Shot Season

In Arizona the Flu season begins a little later.  It is recommended to get your flu shot no earlier than October and no later than January.   Unfortunately this year the Flu Mist is not available nation wide as the CDC has recommended against it for not being effective.   We currently still have the high dose flu shot for ages 65+ and the…


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