Health Tips

Did You Know

It takes about 2 months to form a new habit. If you have health goals like working out or drinking more water, work hard at being consistent and eventually they will become easier and easier to do.

DC Ranch Family Medicine Health Tip

We touch our nose, mouth and eyes a lot without even noticing it. It’s an easy way to spread or get germs if our hands aren’t clean. Washing them regularly will help keep you and others healthy.

Did You Know

If you are feeling more congested than usually, it could be an early sign of a cold. Ease this symptom by sleeping with your head elevated or try using a humidifier at night.

5 Health Tips To Ensure You Are Ready for Warm Weather

Some habits are easy to overlook once outside temperatures turn chilly. Even if you’re schlepping through snow and sleet, warmer days will be here before you know it. Here are five things to keep in mind before sunshine-soaked days and rising temperatures arrive. 1. Up Your Water Consumption It can be tempting to turn to…

Quote by William Londen

“To ensure good health: eat lightly, breathe deeply, live moderately, cultivate cheerfulness, and maintain an interest in life.” -William Londen

DC Ranch Family Medicine Health Tip

Cutting out fats, sugary drinks and caffeine can help start the process towards healthier skin while eating foods high in Vitamin D3 and Omega-3s can revive your skin’s natural glow.

Did You Know

Chronic stress releases too many stress hormones in the body which can suppress the immune system.  Meditation, counseling, hobbies and exercise are all great ways to minimize stress.

Rejuvenate Your Skin With Dermalinfusion Technology

The needs of each person’s skin is different, just as the skin care goals of each individual can vary significantly. Perhaps the effects of aging has left its mark on your skin in the form of wrinkles that you wish were just a bit less noticeable, or maybe you suffer from acne and a touch…

Arabian Proverb

“He who has health has hope; and he who has hope has everything.” Arabian Proverb

DC Ranch Family Medicine Health Tip

Schedule your trips to the grocery store and your food preparation times as the important events that they are. Every week, chop up fresh vegetables and fruits so that they are ready to consume when you get hungry.

DC Ranch Family Medicine Health Tip

Weight loss plans must be uniquely tailored to an individual based on health history, lifestyle, goals, and more.  There are many ways to achieve the weight loss you want including changes to diet and lifestyle.

Did You Know

Spinach is full of vitamin A, K, E, C, fiber, potassium and other nutrients your body needs in order to function properly.


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