Health Tips

3 Benefits of Botox You Probably Didn’t Know

Botox is hardly a secret beauty treatment these days but, interestingly, not everyone knows everything about Botox.  There are actually a myriad of ways to use Botox and you may be missing out on some of these lesser-known advantages of Botox.  Botox is a naturally derived bacterium that has many therapeutic advantages.  It works by blocking nerve signals to muscles so that the muscles cannot contract.  Below are 3 lesser-known benefits of Botox of which you might not yet heard.

Did You Know

Cauliflower helps fight off inflammation. It is rich in anti-inflammatory compounds and antioxidants which help remove oxidative stress and free radials in the body.

Did You Know

Did you know garlic has significant antimicrobial and antibacterial properties that will pack a punch for your cold. Eat it raw or eat it cooked in any of your meals and you will enjoy the gut healing ability of garlic.

Did You Know

Did you know rinsing your nose with salt water, or using a Neti Pot, can help treat allergy symptoms and help rinse debris from your nasal cavity.

DC Ranch Family Medicine Health Tip

Almonds are a great snack, they contain lots of fiber and protein which help you feel more full while eating less calories.

Did You Know

Did you know MonaLisa Touch® allows for a functional restoration of the vagina (Laser Vaginal Rejuvenation), which helps fighting and attenuating symptoms related to vaginal atrophy, a widespread problem among pre and postmenopausal women.

Food as Fuel: Making Smart Choices

Most people have their favorite comfort foods. They turn to them when they are feeling down or when they don’t want to cook or go to the grocery store. The foods that temporarily soothe your emotions, however, are often the same foods that keep you stuck in a health and fitness rut. You can not…

DC Ranch Family Medicine Health Tip

A study done by the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology found that drinking about 17 ounces of water can speed up your metabolism by 30% for about 30-40 minutes after drinking.

Did You Know

Did you know smoking constricts the blood vessels reducing the amount of oxygen in your blood stream which speeds up the signs of aging and also create more wrinkles in your skin.

5 Ways To Stop a Cold Before It Starts

When one person in the office or classroom gets a cold, it seems that everyone takes a turn getting sick. If something is going around in your school or workplace, here are some ways you can help your body avoid becoming its next victim. 1. Getting a Flu Shot When flu season strikes, immunization is…

DC Ranch Family Medicine Health Tip

Fish is a healthy option to eat because it contains omega-3 fatty acids which can help lower the risk of heart disease as well many other health benefits.

Did You Know

Did you know cinnamon has a lot of health benefits and can be a natural way to help fight off harmful infections and viruses.


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