
BLOGS & Health Tips from Dr. Perez

4 Things to Expect at Your Child’s Sports Physical

When your child participates in school, community, or club sports, a sports physical may be required for participation.  A physical is not as simple as getting a signed note from your pediatrician that you have been routinely going to annual checkups.  Your child will have to go in and receive a physical to ensure that…

Vince Lombardi Quote

“It’s not whether you get knocked down, it’s whether you get up.” – Vince Lombardi

Did You Know

Did you know most cardiovascular diseases can be prevented by addressing behavioral risk factors such as tobacco use, unhealthy diet and obesity, physical inactivity and harmful use of alcohol.

SculpSure Featured Benefit: Customized Treatment Plans

Customized Treatment Plans: Every patient is different. Your treatment provider will develop a customized treatment plan to meet you desired goals. ask your treatment provider about a plan that is right for you.

Advantages of Physician-Assisted Weight Loss

Losing weight, no matter the amount, is never easy.  Though we often wish the weight would simply fall off, it usually requires a combination of time, dedication, changes to diet and changes to activity level.  And, even then, it may still be a significant struggle to lose weight.  Millions of Americans struggle with obesity and…

DC Ranch Family Medicine Health Tip: Sleep Hygiene

To help you get the sleep you need, engage in behaviors that are conducive to sleep and avoid bad behaviors. If you are having a hard time sleeping try not to drink stimulates, don’t face a clock, your phone should be on silent and if you can’t fall asleep within 30 minutes you should get…

Chronic Disease Management – Tips for Improving Health and Day-to-Day Life

In the United States over the few decades we have seen a significant increase in the incidence of chronic diseases.  The term “chronic disease” is a big umbrella term for a multitude of diseases including asthma, cardiovascular disease, obesity, alcohol addiction, cancer, diabetes, and more.  Chronic diseases, when not properly managed, pose a significant burden…

Unknown Quote

“If you’re tired of starting over, stop giving up.” – Unknown

Did You Know

Did you know occupational noise-induced hearing loss has become the most compensated occupation hazard. The risk of recreational noise, such as that from music and other entertainment sources, is increasing globally among young people.

3 Advantages of Getting Cosmetic Injections & Fillers

We all want to look younger but the fountain of youth has yet to be discovered.  A facelift can take years off your appearance but it is major surgery – something not everyone is interested in undergoing for a variety of reasons.  Injections and fillers have grown in popularity because they offer an array of…


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