July 10, 2019
SculpSure vs. Cool Sculpting – Which One is Right For You?
Even with diet and exercise, many people are stuck with areas of fat that won’t go away. Some of these people have investigated treatments that destroy fat cells without surgery or injections. Two of these treatments are SculpSure and Cool Sculpting. While the treatments target the same problem, they have some important differences.
The Treatment Process
Cool Sculpting pulls an area of fat into the cooling device and then freezes the fat cells over a course of 30-60 minutes. This process leaves visible marks and lumps in the skin that may not resolve on their own. SculpSure covers the entire treatment area without using suction. This allows treatment of more diverse shapes and sizes without marking the skin or creating lumps of tissue. SculpSure sessions last about 25 minutes. Both Cool Sculpting and Warm Sculpting require a series of treatments, but SculpSure requires less time overall due to shorter treatment sessions.
Patient Comfort
SculpSure uses cooling paddles to minimize the warmth over the treatment area. Patients generally report a warm or tingling sensation and feel little to no discomfort after the treatment. Temporary tenderness may occur. Cool Sculpting may cause more noticeable discomfort, such as aching, bruising, stinging, numbness, and itching. Those symptoms are usually temporary, but in rare cases, patients may develop hernias or delayed-onset pain.
Effective Treatment
Both treatments may cause a 20-25% reduction in fat cells throughout the treated area over the course of weeks or months. SculpSure patients usually enjoy smooth, even results. Cool Sculpting patients may also achieve the look they want but may also see uneven results. In rare cases, Cool Sculpting patients see an increase in fat cell size, which requires liposuction.
Making the Choice
Both SculpSure and Cool Sculpting shape people’s bodies by destroying pockets of fat that won’t respond to diet and exercise. SculpSure delivers these results with shorter treatment sessions, fewer side effects, and greater patient satisfaction.